
Miss Gigit having an afternoon snooze ....zzzzzz
Miss Gigit: "ZZZzzzzz, go vote wisely Mama Mi.....make sure the candidates will not increase the price of fish, Friskies, IAMS,Whiskas, Royal Canine and cat litter. And that they outlaw people who are cruel to animals. We are peaceful creatures....we sleep all day and keep ourselves out of trouble.....Zzzzzzzzz"
Last year, March 8 was the date of my second surgery to remove a 1.5cm malignant lump discovered by chance. The lump was removed from my left breast, a series of treatment follows and life goes on. Decisions were made, and actions taken. Even where it seemingly appears as though no action has been taken ( because of "deviation" from the tested norm), it was the result of a well thought out decision. A decision that the decision maker(moi!) has to live with and abide by. Making and arriving at a decision that is different from the norm is never easy. It is much easier to decide on concensus, much harder to do it differently. We all have faith on the tried and tested, supported by statistics and numbers. One must not forget however, that much as it is less of a hassle to go with the flow and follow the numbers, we have to be true to ourselves, and to listen to our inner voice. And to do something, anything, only when and only if, we are 101% convinced that the action is the right thing for us. That is not to say that once certain decisions are made they are cast in stone. That would be foolish. Some decisions need to be evaluated and assessed on an ongoing basis as situations change, and when they do, certain decisions need to be either updated or totally unravelled. Until that time, we live according to what we have put our hearts and soul into, and hope and pray that our decision was the best for us.
So it is with this coming election. Come March 8 we cast our vote to select the leaders who are to serve us and keep this nation running at full tank! No siphoning resulting in us running on less than full tank.We want a safe, secure, clean, happy, healthy, wealthy nation - for EVERYONE. A tall order. But it is our right and prerogative to want the best for us. Not for someone else to tell us what is good for us but what we have evaluated as being what we need in order for us to make good.
On March 8, 2008, we have a decision to make and to select wisely on who will be able to deliver what is needed to make this country better than it has ever been. A simple "X" it may be if you are voting, but place the "X" in the wrong box and you live to regret it for the next 4 years when you see clowns acting up only in their best interests even after pledging to care for the whole nation. You make a decision not based on your neighbour or your respected mentor's choice but solely on information and knowledge that you would have gathered, collected and observed between election periods. You evaluate, you weigh and you decide.
Sure you may discover it might be a big mistake later on, but that's what makes us different from God, the all-knowing. On the other hand, you may find that your decision was spot on and has resulted in what you have been expecting from your choice. Never mind what the crowd thinks, they are entitled to their opinion and their choice.
The deluge and overload of information flooding every possible communication media is not meant to mislead you. The claims and "blowing of trumpets" on accomplishments and promises are to be expected. If we have been keeping our eyes, ears and noses effectively working, we will be able to verify all these campaign talks and even question some of them. It is those who have been sleeping, and just enjoying being spoonfed with useless information that might continue to be misled, unwittingly. Not just the candidates need to do their homework and sweat it out for this coming election. The raakyat need to as well. Look back at what and where we were, look at where we are now and think of what we want down the road. Look at your candidates, and assess if they deserve to be re-elected ( if the same person standing), and do some homework to investigate and evaluate if someone deserves to be given an opportunity to lead, if a new face.
Then make your choice. And live with it.
I enjoy the various campaining mediums that are being used this time. At least we are going somewhere there - going hi-tech and going "corporate". We can see that the parties and candidates are really using their heads and resources to reach out to the rakyat. I specially like the BN's "MALAYSIA 2008 Progress Report andManifesto". I think "Corporate Malaysia" and I like the form of that report. It reminds me of corporate life when we have to annually list out annual goals and objectives, which are not only measurable but transparent and visible, and which are in line with the corporate mission and vision. It is obvious that the BN is making a concerted effort to reach out to the "thinking" population and to the intellectuals. The copy I got is in English and I don't know at this time if versions in other languages have been distributed as well. I would assume so, though it is hard for me to imagine such booklets being distributed in the kampungs, kawasan pendalaman and squatter areas. It is now for me to evaluate the substance of BN's report and compare its contents with my own assessments over the last few years, and over the last few months.
Recent events to me are good barometers of how a ruling party is going to turn out if they win the election. If anything, the next 7 days before decision time will be greatly influenced by what is happening during the period, not what good have happened in yonks. The good/bad that was done is history. We move on. An election is not about rewarding or punishing the candidates for past deeds or early rewards for yet to be fulfilled promises. It is the future we want to invest in, and like any investments there will be an element of risk. But make it a calculated risk. I have faith in the government machinery, but want to take extra care in selecting the candidates who will be running and managing the machinery.
In it's simplest term, for me, an effective government is a government with an effective Opposition. I don't think I want to ever be in a country where there are no Opposition parties. Not parties who are continuously opposed to the the government just for the sake of living up to their name. But an Opposition who will question, stretch and work with the ruling party to sort out any "grey" areas so that a true consensus is reached before any important policy decisions are made that will affect the rakyat.
On March 8, who ever it is that I will be voting for is someone I hope who will be able to help sort out a few "grey" areas for me.....and use their clout and position to look into some of the areas which I feel should have been addressed more effectively and aggressively. More action, less empy talk and meaningless jargons.
-when including statistics in reports that are supposed to make us go "aaah!" with delight eg hardcore poor is down by x%, please clearly define how the group has been identified. Likewise when stating that household incomes has increased , how was the number determined - arithmetical average, median, and what is the mode? It is very misleading to be excited that "household incomes rose from monthly average of RM 3,249 to RM3, 617". How many households exceed this average and how many are way below? A 2-person household may derive a monthly income of RM 40,000 or more and a household of 7 ( one working mother or father with 5 growing kids ) may only earn RM 1500 a month. How is that "household income monthly average" arrived at? I am not thrilled at the number because it is just a number, as I do not know how to interprete it to convince myself that we are indeed doing better. It could mean the rich are getting richer while the needy ones are still as many, if not more in numbers. Those studying statistics ( people in advertising, market research, journalism, politics etc) know that unless more than just the numbers are given, the "statistic" itself is pretty much useless.
-Elected leaders, especially in the rural areas should not just stop at fighting for electricity and water for out-of-town locations. 50 years after independence and we still have areas with no proper drainage systems. Monsoon drains have been promised but still outstanding in completion, so drains are just dug-outs with no proper barriers to minimise the risk of erosions and worse, of having animals, children falling into them. Rubbish collection is also something taken for granted, that people would consume their own rubbish? The good ones would burn their rubbish in the kampungs, but there are some even in towns who throw their rubbish away, anywhere, as long as it is out of their own backyard! What can be done, how can we improve our garbage management once we step out of the golden triangle or the posh postal addresses? There is no collection systems for some places even though ( outwardly) that can be easily included especially for kampungs between 2 towns through which the Town Council trucks pass by. Under the same subject, neat little buildings were set up as collection centers in some "kampung towns" to encourage recycling but the place is locked, no one is really managing it and rubbish is being strewn OUTside the building as the residents must be really fed up to find the place locked up at all times after they took the trouble to haul up recyleables from their homes!
- Beautiful libraries are built in some kampungs to inculcate the reading habit. Kudos to the administrators who made sure that current periodicals and journals, newspapers, magazines are available daily (except weekends when libraries are closed). But sadly the book collections are really pathetic. It is a shame since the building itself is nice and well kept ( so far) but the kids patronising the library are only using the place to revise, bringing their own documents and homework there but no exposure to a good book collection that could have increased their knowledge!
- Not many old folks are lucky to have children who compete to take care of their welfare during their golden years. Not many children are lucky to have aged parents who want to stay with them or being looked after, as even in their old age, some folks are just too independent and do not like to be mothered and smothered by their children. So how about each kampung or housing area being required to have a Daycare center( run by volunteers or paid workers) for not only children but old folks who would otherwise be left alone at home when everyone else is out ( to go to work, college etc). This would still preserve the family unit instead of old folks making a decision to register in a nursing homes away from their loved ones, so that they can be with people their age. People are living longer and not everyone can afford nursing homes and paid care-takers . I am not sure what "monthly assistance for the elderly increased from RM 135 to RM 200" is all about in the report, is that a one-off at HRaya or CNY? Even so what can RM200 do these days. Better to plan or organise a community where they can mingle and be active and free to come and go. The baby boomers are well into their golden years now and come the next few elections, they will form a major segment of the voting public.
-Elected leaders can learn emphathy and learn how the "other side" lives. Instead of inviting anak2 yatim to experience what it is like living in a palatial mansion for just a day in their life ( and then they go back to their miserable and probably lacking in some basic amenities homes) why not do it the other way round. Go and make a surprise weekend visit to the house of say a rubber tapper or rubbish collector, or a police constable or army rank and file, live their life for a day and convince yourself that "their lot has improved".
I was in a queue in a bank recently and this poor old man ( in his 60's)was queueing up in front of me. He has all but 63 ringgit to bank into his savings account, holding a worn out and weathered looking savings passbook in his equally weather beaten hands. I overheard him telling the cashier that this is a "good month" and that normally he hardly has 50 ringgit to save up for a "motor" ( motorbike? ) And to think that some people buy luxury cars (that can pay for a whole row of single storey terrace houses) for their wives or girlfriend as a birthday gift. That incident left me stunned and I thought of instances when people think nothing of paying twenty or thirty over grand for a mere handbag so that they are seen with the "right bag".....or the "right watch" or the "right shoes". And in our "negara makmor" a hardworking man has to save a lifetime to get 2 wheels to call his own ( probably a kap-cai?)
-Okay, I will stop being petty....but most importantly can the elected representatives promise that if "they cannot beat them, please DO NOT join them". Please. Corruption exists. Not just in this country but globally. No one is perfect, no government is either. So please do not abuse your office and do not add to the corruption index. The BN Manifesto says to REDUCE corruption. Why not ERADICATE or WIPE OUT? We have to aim loftily for the moon to get somewhere near the stars. REDUCE is not good enough, but I appreciate the effort. Go grab the corrupt ones by their balls to deter new ones.
-And be fair. Let's not make a laughing stock of ourselves. Everyone is equal before the law, so let us practice that. No more silly it-sounds-like-me,-it looks-like-me situations. Who are we fooling? And cases that drag and drag and drag due to lack of evidence because some people who are more important thatn you or me might be involved?
These are some of the few at the tip of my tongue or should I say fingers without even thinking very hard. Everyone has their own list. How confident are we that our list will be attended to? And who shall we vouch for, to help us sort out our list, not forgetting that the first step has to be ours. By voting wisely.
So do vote wisely. It is not a time for blind faith, emotions, or worse, revenge. It is a time to be true to yourself, to heed what is going on around you, to digest the information and put the knowlede to good use by choosing wisely.
Good luck ( to all of us). May our decision be the right one. Insya Allah.