Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's A New Year!!

Hello January! Today is a day just like yesterday or the day before...but it is in a brand new year! And as tradition would have it, we wished each other and everyone we know and meet a "Happy New Year" just when the clock hands meet at 12 midnight a couple of days ago.

I do this every year too, and as always at the beginning of each year, I have been very cheery and overly optimistic and feel incredibly strong to do whatever it takes to meet life's surprises. And when the year starts unfolding, I find that more often than not, the level of optimism will waiver and sometimes I find that some surprises seem too much to handle.

What I have re-learnt and was reminded of in the past year though is that, no matter how shocking some of life's surprises can be, there's always a positive outcome. I just need to look for it and benefit from it. No pain, no gain. Some lessons of life require different "techniques" before these can make an impression on you.

And so will it be with this coming year....let's thank God Almighty that despite the trials and tribulations of 2007, we have crossed over into 2008 rather smoothly, syukur Alhamdullillah. Life will continue to dish us more surprises, some welcomed and others questioned, but whatever, here's hoping and wishing that we will be granted the strength and wisdom to preserve and improve on what will be good for all of us, Insya Allah.

Let us pray that it will indeed be a Happy New Year in 2008, despite the surprises that we already have even though it is only day 2 of the brand new year! 363 days more to come in this new year, and maybe twice as many shocks and surprises.

A brand new day, a brand new year....if we have been good, we can always be better. Happy New Year to everyone!


HCI said...

Dear Azmi,

If you are ER and PR positive, please reconsider tamoxifen. Read Susan Love's book. Even two years on tamoxifen makes a significant difference.

Tamoxifen also strengthen your bone, not like aromatase inhibitor. Only the risk of uterine hyperplasia or cancer but the risk is slightly more than normal population. Anyway your healthy diet and lifestyle may reduce it.

Susan said that the benefit of tamoxifen lasted longer than the five years patients took it.

After a year, the side effects - pain - resolved.

Anonymous said...

Dear Azmi,

In my journey through life, I feel that everyone has his or her ration of "ups and downs". Its all in the 'package' we have 'chosen' or given by God.Except perhaps we feel that some might have bigger shares of their success or failures. But we really do not know, as it is God that decides. And God has always been fair to all.

You remember Sister Maria in her dilemma with falling in love with Captain Von Trapp? Guess you must have seen the movie a number of times? You remembered what the Chief Nun said to her?

" Every time God shut the door on you, he will always open a window to let the light in!"

" Climb every mountain...."?

God put challenges and ujian to everyone! Even to Siti Hajar. The point is not to give up and never give up on God. Maybe it is just trials to challenge and test your faith. If I am not mistaken God tested all his Nabis and Rasools...So don't give up! Be strong and have a positive change in your paradigm! Try to look at any problem or challenges as tests and in increasing your faith and inner strength!

Try not to be weak or succumb to the problems you are facing. Even drugs and treatment might not work if you give up. Keep fighting and pray to God

Happy New Year Azmi! May 2008 be a lovely and happy year to you!

Azmi said...

Dear Has,
thanks for popping by. You are absolutely right about giving Tmx a chance. I have not discounted it, just not ready for it at this time. I have read good things about what it does and aware of the historical success rates. Once I have truly convinced myself it will be so much easier to swallow...I continue to find out as much as i can from people that I meet who have been through it, and I am storing their feedback. Your input is very much welcome, being a BC survivor yourself. It carries more weight than listening to someone else who has not had to go through it tell you that it is the right thing to do.

Thanks and a Happy New Year to you - the recent one plus the one tomorrow (Maal Hijrah).

Azmi said...

Dear Anon,
thank you for visiting and taking time to "pen down" those conmforting words. How did you know I love the Sound of Music?
Yes, there's always a silver lining to very cloud and faith is everthing, in both good and bad times.

Appreciate your wisdom and wish you the same too - a very happy 2008 and a fulfilling 1429 Hijrah!

Anonymous said...

Dear Azmi.

I got 'sixth sense' I can tell from the way you write and play with words, you must be a very intelligent lady or girl. I can bet in school you can just score without really studying hard!