Friday, April 6, 2007

The Final Diagnosis

Conscience my cancer

Cancer a Teacher

A chance to start over....? wiser, fitter, better?

(The above were muddled thoughts floating in my head upon final diagnosis of a cancerous lump in my left breast on March 13,2007)

Note To Self:
Blog entries will record how the lump was first discovered and subsequent efforts to manage its impact. Although banished from my body, it continues to be a grave reminder that Time and Cancer wait for no man(or woman). A life threatening disease, Cancer in all its myriad forms will continue to affect mankind - directly(patients and survivors) and indirectly for all the care-givers and health proffesionals. We must continue to support ongoing efforts to find a cure. In the meantime, it is hoped that those not yet inflicted by the disease will do what they can to PREVENT it from happening to them.

I have read heaps of books, reports and had discussions with relevant personalities on the subject, like many others I am still baffled as to how the disease decides on its host. Why me? Why now? A little knowledge is a dangerous thing but information gleaned can be used as a basis to prepare a person for an intelligent discussion with health care proffesionals.

This Blog is not intended to provide a proffesional insight nor advice on Breast cancer. It is purely my jottings on my own understanding of the disease and how it affects my life. My reflections (and accepting my fears and confusion) may be one of the ways I am managing this healing process. I hope it will help to trigger similar curiousities in others and jolt them to do everything in their power to avoid getting into a similar situation. And for those who "have been there, done that", may they join me in sharing tips, advice and words of encouragement so that we know we are not alone.

Everything we possess today is on loan to us in this physical and material world, even our bodies. We need to take good care of our environment, and ourselves, physically, emotionally, mentally and most importantly spiritually. When everything else collapses around us we can still be strong in spirit as that is something that only we can uphold for ourselves. Insya Allah.

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