Friday, June 15, 2007

Day 2 Cycle 4 - So, so lah

Ashley's and Li Po's tete-a-tete:

Li Po: "Kak Ashley, heard Mama Mi is going for another Garage sale...what's with her, just 2 days after her 4th Chemo....where is she going to get the energy, she was normally plastered flat on her sofa dring the 5 early days..."

Ashley: "Don't worry lah Li Po...Mama Mi is an old ( if a little swollen) hand in this....she has some help to punggah all her barang, she just bark out the orders...If I know her well enough, she will only do this if she is certain she can cope....."

Li Po:" I know the last time when she brought all 5 of us - Me, Tompok, Ms Gigit, Wati and Devi to be spayed so that she can get a good discount from the Vet! And the effort it took to manage us all until she packed us back to Kampung...she managed us beautifully even though all her friends were shaking their heads at how she can mange 5 cats in her KL link house..."

Ashley: "I trust her judgement...and I am sure she will wear a surgical mask or something at the first sign of a couging or hawking caller....or send Vik to deal with them and she remains behind the glass sliding door....don't worry, she'll manage....Insya Allah...she just wants to join the event as it was rather fun the last time..."


June 15 (Day 2 of Cycle 4)

I felt so-so, not too tired and took all medications as prescribed plus some Cod Liver Oil as I am beginning to have a phlegmy cough. The nausea persisted but not too acute and was manageable that I felt inclined to go to KLCC to run some errands at the bank and check out the mega sales. It took an hour to get to KLCC, I am sure glad I wasn't driving and it was the same on the way back. I would have passed out due to boredom and fatigue if I had been driving.

Lunch of beef teppanyaki at the food court ( I miss the foodcourt and cafes there from my working days) was nutritious but my tastebuds tasted absolutely nothing, just crunch, crunch, munch,munch and swallow for the goodness it will bring. I miss going for coffee and pastries nearby. Bumped into a couple of ex-colleagues who said they were guilty for not looking me up after they heard the news but they were "serba-salah" and did not know what to say. I think I understand what they went through as I have gone through the same before when I heard of people whom I know were jovial,. healthy and happy and felt awkward they should be in their situation but god had willed it that I was at a loss on what to say or offer, sometimes. Only when the person is really close to me will I be able to say something meaningful, I felt.

I spent the whole afternoon (got back by 3 pm) NAPPING. I really slept quite soundly with Blackie on the foor beside me, catnapping and sprawled without a care to the world after a meal of ikan goreng and rice. I woke up about 5 pm, so that was 2 solid hours of sleep, hope it will not affect my night sleep tonight. I usually don't nap in the afternoons during chemo, just felt restless and listless but unable to drift off but, today I really drifted.

I felt quite energised after the nap and had a tea of green tea (chilled) and strawberries and oats. Then I was ready to attack more spring cleaning with Vik as my sidekick. She is tough and full of energy so she helped with moving around the heavy stuff and I did the selection of keep, recycle and dispose.

I don't know what got into me but I am participating in the community garage sale again this weekend organised Jalin Realtors for our neighbourhood. My friends, brother and nephews will be joining me and it will be fun. If I faint, Vik will pretend to be me and manage my part of the garage sale. I have lots of work clothes to recycle and offer at really charity prices plus knick-knacks that I have outgrown but I am sure will bring pleasure to others, especially if I let them go at 1/100th of what I had paid for them, some acquired overseas from trips during my wanderlust days.

My target is again to clear what I will put out, and if not picked by callers (the last time they came as early as 7.30 am, those early bird bargain hunters) I will send them to the RSPCS thrift shop so they can sell and use the proceeds to help maintain the animals in their shelter.

Insya Allah, my "day-in" will be a successful spring cleaning and sharing of things that can be of use to/by others....


Chet said...

I met your friend (the one with you at last month's MPH Breakfast Club - sorry, forgot her name) at this morning MPH Writers' Circle and she told me about the garage sale. Hope you had good sale. Wish I'd known. Do you have any interesting leftovers for me to rummage through?

Hi&Lo said...


I was quiet but listening to your musings for the past few days. Don't give up journaling.

Azmi said...

Dear Chet,
you mean Rosiah...yes, we were supposed to go together to MPH but I was committed to what's happening at home, with bargain hunters. Jalin Realty will organise this on a monthly basis for our neighbourhood,so the next one will be in July. If you have things to recycle, you can bring them over next time so that you can also clear stuff that you need to clear. You know there were people looking for electricals(faulty ones even) and LPs. The leftovers were really workclothes/suits and what was left behind I gave to a friend who has nieces in college who may want to dress smart...?!? It is such a relief to see the space I have created in my wardrobes.

Azmi said...

Dear Hi&Lo,
thanks-I am committed to my journal as I do want to capture whatever I felt and experienced during this process, no matter how irrelevant it may seem at the time of writing. The house was topsy turvy a bit with boxes et al. The day I give up journaling means.....
either my mood got the better of me or the Big C....nauzubillah.

Chet said...

Azmi - how did you know I have LPs? I'll never part with mine!